Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Feathered Friends

Feathered Visitors to Wicor Primary School, Portchester

Even though it is winter, and very cold over the last few weeks, we have been getting lots of bird visitors to our grounds.  In particular, we have a resident green woodpecker which we regularly see in our woodland area.  We decided to investigate green woodpeckers, Picus viridis, a little more and found out that they stay in the UK all year round.  We were really surprised to find out that they only reached the Isle of Wight in 1910 as that’s only a small jump across the water from us.  However, apparently that was the bit that green woodpeckers weren’t that keen on.  We were also really surprised to find out that they have weak bills as we often hear our woodpecker tapping away in the trees but they prefer soft dead wood when excavating for a nest.  We think our green woodpecker is female as we can’t see any red under her bill.   The green woodpecker likes a deciduous habitat and short grass, both of which we have lots of.

It really is a beautiful bird giving flashes of colour amongst our dark winter trees at the moment.  It has bright green on its upperparts, with a pale bellow underneath, a bright yellow rump and red on the top of its head.   Apparently, it has a nickname of ‘yaffle’ because that’s what its call sounds like – we hadn’t noticed this and will be listening out carefully over the next few weeks to see if we can identify it by its call before we see it.

In the summer, green woodpeckers like to eat ants (adult, larvae and eggs).  In the winter, when there aren’t so many ants around they will eat other invertebrates, pine seeds and fruit.  Green woodpeckers usually spend most of their time feeding on the ground, although at school we mostly see them in the trees – maybe there are too many children on the ground!   We have left lots of rough soft patches of grass around our woodland area and in the orchard for the green woodpecker to encourage them to feed and breed at school.  The Picus viridis has a long sticky tongue which can fish for ants deep in the nests for as long as an hour and will keep going back to the same ants’ nests again and again for weeks.  We were alarmed to read that some green woodpeckers will raid bee hives, so we have spoken to our beekeeper and he has reassured us the bees in our six hives are quite safe.

A fun fact is that ‘Professor Yaffle’, the wooden character in Bagpuss, was based on it.  It also has English folk names of rain-bird and weather cock as it is supposed to bring on rain.

At Wicor we have tried to make sure that we grow plants that are native and really helpful to wildlife especially in winter.  We have many holly bushes with berries on which the birds love (they also roost in the holly bushes as the spiky leaves give protection from predators) and positively encourage ivy, (Hedera helix), as it extends the season for our bees and has rich berries for the birds.  It also has really thick evergreen foliage which gives the birds shelter.   Along our main drive and in our coastal bed, we grow (and propagate) tuft forming grasses like Festuca gautieri which has fluffy seed heads through autumn and winter.  Lots of mini-beasts will hide in the grassy heads which the birds love too.  All around our grounds we have planted many, many native trees (120 last winter along including an elder grove and a nuttery) and we have lots of sorbus.  The elder, rowan and hawthorn trees around our site are really popular with birds providing lots of berries well into the cold, dark days.  Along one of our fences we have grown cotoneasters and pyracantha, which have lots of berries like the sorbus.   Among our many trees we have lots and lots of silver birches which are really beautiful especially the catkins and silver bark.  They are special trees as they keep producing catkins with seeds in during winter and many birds eat from them as they dangle from the branches.

During our grounds days we always think of the wildlife, and we harvest excess seeds all through the year.   We use fallen cones from our scots pine trees as structures for fat balls and pack them with the nutrient-giving seeds collected earlier.   We will be carrying on stuffing these cones for the rest of the winter, helping the feathered visitors to our grounds survive the cold.

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