Summer brushes
black hairOn the 22nd of September
The door opens and
Autumn comes in for a makeover
Bringing with her
Her many children
Green at the moment
But that will soon change.
She despairs at her newly swept floor
Now covered in tangerine twist and red currant glory.
Autumn brought in berries and fungi that stain,
Windows, carpets and chairs,
fungi spreads in and starts to kill,
the guarding treesThat she had
At the little front door at her salon.
And terrible rhizomes perpendicular to gravity,
They started to take their death hold,
Here come migrating geese,
Flapping around like mad,
Creeping rootstalks scramble in and spread
Destroying the new carpet.
And dew.
Dew is what she wanted least of all,
Cold wet and soggy,
A spider creeps in and slouches on its web,
A web full of fictitious diamonds.
She thought how beautiful and touched it,
Disappointed in the falsehood,
A thick layer of mist approaches,
She couldn’t see very much.
She hated Autumn,
realisation dawned
Full of colour and crops,
Is amazing,
Maybe autumn,
Doesn't need a makeover after all
Jessica Sibley
Year 6NVincent van Gogh sat
With his easel
Gazing with his observant eye
Studying a woodland
With burnished browns and
English fire red and oranges
A sprinkle of
Roof garden greensSpatter his growing landscape.
As Vincent spun round
He saw heathers of dark green Glow
To the left of that
Blue Mosel rivers with
Soft steel-scaled salmon swimming up stream
Beside the river ferns smothered with the dark glow of
Tibetan gold
And a tad of Indian yellow mixed with mahogany.Glazed brown fungi stand still and proud casting their spores
Then with a flick of his hand he started to paint fresh
autumn colours.
Dylan Ayling
Year 6N
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