Thursday, 5 March 2020

Fish Keeper Fry - water change

After cleaning the filter we used the gravel cleaner to carefully clean the gravel. We carefully sucked at the gravel, removing dirt, debris, uneaten food and other unwanted waste. The water was syphoned through the tube into a bucket.
We were then ready to replace the water. We treated the water with a conditioner and refilled the tank using jugs.
Our fish now have a cleaner habitat. We finished by checking the water levels for ammonia and nitrogen. The water measured as safe for the fish.

Fish Keeper Fry - Cleaning

We noticed from testing the water that is was time to clean the filter.
We removed the filter and washed it out in a clean bucket.
We were amazed how much the water changed colour as we squeezed the filter.

Fish Keeper Fry Harlequins

We added new fish today - Harlequins.
They are silver and grey. We found out they will fit in with our Zebra Danios and Platies because they prefer to swim in the middle of the tank. The Zebra Danios swim at the top and the Platies swim everywhere. This means everyone has space and can get to the food. No arguments in our tank!