Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Winter Grounds Day

Each year at Wicor we hold four seasonal grounds days a year, where all 436 children have the opportunity take part in gardening activities. With the whole school working outside the children have a hands on learning of their world and what is happening seasonally.

A focus is given for each of these days and this winter our focus was trees, the main activity being tree planting. This year we have been very lucky to be donated over 200 trees from The Woodland Trust and Carbon Footprint.

The idea of planting a tree for most would be to dig an enormous hole and plant a big root ball. The children were most excited to learn that the trees we were planting were small whips and at the very beginning of their life cycle. Comments were made about how they look forward to come back to school and see how their trees have grown in years to come.

As a result the care and love that went into the planting of our trees was infectious. Skills learnt included digging, planting, staking and mulching. This was overseen and assisted by many of our wonderful garden volunteers.

Because of the environmental work we take part in here at Wicor South Today, BBC Radio Solent and The Portsmouth News all wished to cover our news!

With our very own radio station and green screen here at Wicor the children were fascinated about themselves creating local news and having journalists and crew recording on site.

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Inteview with Bianca Carr, Final Straw charity

We have a strong environmental curriculum through which children learn about their planet.  They learn to appreciate the amazing variety of life that occupies many of the beautiful and awe-inspiring areas of the Earth.  They learn about the damage humans are inflicting on their planet too. From time to time, we invite speakers in to talk to the children about the work they are doing to help protect and save our natural world.  

Bianca Carr founded her own charity, The Final Straw https://finalstrawsolent.org/ to try to reduce plastic pollution in the Solent and came in to share her work with the school in assembly.

Phoebe and Jessica showing off the school's plastic-free and palm oil-free soap to Bianca

Q. When did you first hear about plastic pollution?

A. I've always been aware that there has been a problem. In 2015 I became really conscious about it, about the time of the America's Cup. I was taught by 11th Hour Racing the full extent of the damage they had seen and ways in which we can help. they taught me all about the importance of refusing single use plastic. the work of Sea Bins and ways in which we can help by holding beach cleans for example. My mindset changed from being aware of it to it being so important I had to do something. No matter what you do there is always time to make a change.

Q. have you ever been abroad and seen the plastic pollution first hand?

A. I went to Bermuda with the America's Cup and the beach was beautiful with the pink sand and bright blue sea. But all around was lots of plastic, I lay on my sunbed and was surrounded by plastic nurdles. Even Bermuda a piece of paradise is covered in plastic.

Q. How are you going to change the world?

A. I am going to help the world, one plastic straw at a time. Educating people on the damage of using plastic straws and encouraging them to say no to them.

By Phoebe and Jessica, who care about their planet age 8 and 10.

"What you guys are doing at Wicor is just great.  Incredible.  What lucky children to come to a school environment like this.  It must have a positive effect on their attitudes."  Bianca.