Worms matter. In the words of Charles Darwin,
“Without the work of this humble creature, who knows nothing of the benefits he confers upon mankind, agriculture, as we know it, would be very difficult, if not wholly impossible.”
Year 3 children are taking part in the Big Worm Dig which is part of nationwide study launched by Riverford (
http://www.riverford.co.uk/bigwormdig ) in conjunction with the University of Central Lancashire.
The Big Worm Dig site |
The children have found a great many worms and learned that they are not 'all the same'. However, they found more than just worms...

They unearthed this coin and after a bit of cleaning and a bit of googling they identified it as an old coin from Guernsey called a double. This one was approximately the same valuable as an old penny.
If you want to find out more click on the link below.