Sunday, 12 July 2015

@MiniHorts. Potatoes - from seed to plate.

A busy afternoon at Gardening Club last week, where the Minihorts showed in one hour why we grow the things we eat!  One group spent half an hour or so on a late sowing of maincrop potatoes (Desiree), which we expect to harvest in the autumn; while another group were busy harvesting some of the early potatoes (Rocket) that we sowed in March ...

... but that isn't all - some of these potatoes will go into veg boxes, but some were put to a more immediate and tasty use - they were sliced very thinly to make crisps, which were delicious and far better for us than the crisps that come in a packet.  We now know the whole life-cycle of these potatoes from seed to plate, and they never once left the school grounds.

That's one of the reasons why we do it - well done to the Minihorts!

David Harrison

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Elderflower 'Pop' Update

Following the recent foraging inspired by the likes of Riverford Organic, nature has taken a path of its own...

We will sadly not be allowing the Elderflower Cordial to be sampled by Year R to get an overall vote on its taste. The test has gone over to adults as the cordial has begun to fizz and ferment, producing alcohol.  How this could happen after following a reliable recipe is mysterious to the enthusiastic first time producers!

The conversation in staffroom has been lively and requests for further production suggests it tastes good. If we are fortunate to forage more flowers then speed is of the essence to ensure Year R can sample the fruits of their labour.
Elderflower 'cordial' !