As you might know in 2014 Wicor Primary won a national award in a competition run by the World Wildlife Fund for Food Production. They were very impressed with our intention, at that point in May, to grow, harvest and sell organic fruit and vegetable boxes. At the end of the summer we had actually sold 70 organic fruit and vegetable boxes to parents. The positive comments about the amount of fruit and vegetables within the box, and both the range and quality of the produce were quite overwhelming.
So we started again straight away ready for harvesting and selling in 2015. However, this time all the children have been involved right from the start with sowing the seeds, nurturing the plants and now harvesting. We have a small team of children from Y3, 5 and 6 who are starting to learn the ropes of running a business and have been involved in taking the orders, harvesting, packing the boxes and informing the clients.

The first boxes went out last week and have proved a big success. Within the boxes we had Swiss chard, curly kale, rhubarb, salad leaves, chives, mint and some fabulous leeks. Obviously, as the seasons progress the contents of the boxes will change.
I can say that the allotment, poly tunnels and greenhouses are full to bursting with plants ready for this year. So please feel free to order a box from the school website home page (see left hand side of page) and enjoy some fresh, organic, nutritious home grown fruit and veg.